
  // Constructor for empty KQML message


  public  KQMLmessage() {


  // Constructor that is passed a string to make a message 


  public KQMLmessage (String message) { 


  // 27-Oct-98-garof:

  // I revised this method to permit embedded or trailing colons to not be

  // confused with keywords.

  // Ex. (":time 14:23:01") should parse as 'field=time' and 'value=14:23:01'.

  // Ex. (":time time:") should parse as 'field=time' and 'value=time:'.


  // Original author's comments:

  // This parses a KQML message.  It isn't very sophisticated, it just assumes

  // the following:  a KQML message is a list of field value pairs enclosed in

  // parentheses and separated by either blanks, tabs or new lines (between

  // field and values and between pairs)


  // A field is either a performative in which case it is not preceded by a :

  // or a keyword in which case it is preceded by a :. 


  // a value is - either a word delineated by separators OR 

  //            - enclosed between parentheses OR

  //            - null


  public synchronized void parseString(String message) {

  //  Sets the value of the field "field".

  // @param field String key for the field.

  // @param value String value for the field.

  public void addFieldValuePair(String field, String value) {


   * Removes the "field" field. 

   * @param field String key for the field.

   * @return String representing field value removed.


  public String removeField(String field) {


   * Returns the value of the "field" field. If it does not exit, returns null.

   * @return String representing field value.


  public String getValue(String field) {

  /** Return true if a field exists, even if it's value is null.


  public boolean existsField(String fieldName) {

  /** Return true if a field exists and its value is not null.


  public boolean existsNonNullField(String fieldName) {

  /** Return true if a field exists and its value is not

      empty, i.e. it is not just a whitespace string.


  public boolean existsNonEmptyField(String fieldName) {

  /** Remove all fields from the msg.


  public void clearMsg() {

  /** Return an Enumeration of all the field names in a msg. This

      also includes the field name PERFORMATIVE_KEY if it is present.


  public Enumeration getFieldNames() {

  /** Returns the KQML message as a single machine readable string.

      This is the format which is sent to other agents.

      Fields that are null are excluded but fields whose values

      are whitespace strings are included.


  public String toString() {